D.Gray-man Вики
D.Gray-man Вики

D.Gray-man Hallow Original Soundtrack – музыкальный альбом, содержащий саундтреки к аниме D.Gray-man Hallow.

Список треков[]

  1. メッセージ (Message)
  2. 攻防, Koubou (Offense and Defense)
  3. 千年伯爵 <第1の使徒>, Sennen Hakushaku <Dai 1 no Shito> (The Earl of Millenium <The First Apostle>)
  4. 黒の教団 <エクソシスト>, Kuro no Kyoudan <Ekusoshisuto> (The Black Order <Exorcist>)
  5. 謀略, Bouryaku (Plot)
  6. 14番目の覚醒, 14banme Kakusei (The 14th’s Awakening)
  7. 宿命の道, Shukumei no Michi (The Path of Destiny)
  8. ハースト孤児院, Hāsuto Kojiin (Hearst Orphanage)
  9. 憑神 <ツキカミ>, Tsukikami <Tsukikami>
  10. ティモシーの騒動, Timoshī no Soudou (Timothy’s Rebellion)
  11. 別れの時, Wakare no Toki (The Moment of Farewell)
  12. 仲間達との休息, Nakamatachi to no Kyuusoku (Rest with Friends)
  13. 温もりに包まれて, Nukumori Tsutsumarete (Wrap in Warmth)
  14. 神田ユウ <新バージョン>, Kanda Yuu <New Version>
  15. アルマの笑顔, Aruma no Egao (Alma’s Smile)
  16. 蓮華の花, Renge no Hana (Lotus Flowers)
  17. アルマの想い, Aruma no Omoi (Alma’s Feelings)
  18. 生きるために, Ikiru tame ni (In Order to Live)
  19. 暴走するアルマ=カルマ, Bousousuru Aruma Karuma (Rampaging Alma Karma)
  20. 再びエクソシストへ, Futatabi Ekusoshisuto he (Once More to the Exorcists)
  21. あの人, Ano Hito (That Person)
  22. 終焉の地 <マテール>, Shuuen no Chi <Mateeru> (The Place of Demise <Mater>)
  23. ノアの野望, Noa no Yabou (The Designs of the Noah)
  24. 戦いの中で, Tatakai no naka de (In the Battle)
  25. 対峙, Taiji (Confrontation)
  26. AKUMAの脅威, AKUMA no Kyoui (Akuma Threat)
  27. 逆襲II, Gyakushuu II (Counterattack II)
  28. AKUMA襲来, AKUMA Shuurai (Akuma Attack)
  29. 激戦II, Gekisen II (Fierce Battle II)
  30. ノアの脅威, Noa no Kyoui (Threat of the Noah)
  31. 第三エクソシスト, Daisan Ekusoshisuto (The Third Exorcists)
  32. イノセンスの光, Inosensu no Hikari (The Light of Innocence)
  33. 幼き日の思い出, Osanahi no Omoide (Memories of a Childhood Day)
  34. 悲しみの詩編, Kanashimi no Shihen (Psalms of Sorrow)
  35. 不穏, Fuon (Unrest)
  36. 戦闘へ, Sentou he (To Battle)
  37. 群襲II, Gunkasane II (Group Attack II)
  38. ネア, Nea
  39. ノアの断罪, Noa no Danzai (Judgment of the Noah)
  40. アレン・ウォーカーII (Allen Walker II)


Название Длительность Прослушать
01 Message 01:45
02 Offense and Defense 01:18
03 The Earl of Millenium <The First Apostle> 02:09
04 The Black Order <Exorcist> 02:05
05 Plot 01:38
06 The 14th’s Awakening 01:22
07 The Path of Destiny 01:48
08 Hearst Orphanage 01:30
09 Tsukikami <Tsukikami> 01:16
10 Timothy’s Rebellion 01:17
11 The Moment of Farewell 02:47
12 Rest with Friends 01:17
13 Wrap in Warmth 01:34
14 Kanda Yuu <New Version> 01:28
15 Alma’s Smile 01:47
16 Lotus Flowers 01:58
17 Alma’s Feelings 01:48
18 In Order to Live 01:33
19 Rampaging Alma Karma 01:36
20 Once More to the Exorcists 01:58
21 That Person 01:55
22 The Place of Demise <Mater> 02:34
23 The Designs of the Noah 01:27
24 In the Battle 01:52
25 Confrontation 01:17
26 Akuma Threat 01:22
27 Counterattack II 01:22
28 Akuma Attack 01:31
29 Fierce Battle II 01:22
30 Threat of the Noah 01:29
31 The Third Exorcists 01:28
32 The Light of Innocence 01:42
33 Memories of a Childhood Day 01:58
34 Psalms of Sorrow 01:52
35 Unrest 01:15
36 To Battle 01:27
37 Group Attack II 01:09
38 Nea 01:32
39 Judgment of the Noah 01:52
40 Allen Walker II 01:48